

What to Expect at Your First Orthodontic Appointment

Getting braces is a big commitment, so it’s natural to feel a little nervous and to be wondering what you can expect at your first orthodontist appointment. We’re here to assure you, there’s nothing to worry about! Your first visit to Wonder West Orthodontics quite simply presents the opportunity for you to get to know us and better [...]

What to Expect at Your First Orthodontic Appointment

Do All Wisdom Teeth Have to Be Removed?

Getting your wisdom teeth in is often viewed as a rite of passage. For most people, wisdom teeth come in between the ages of 17 and 25. However, this process is often not without problems, and many orthodontists today will recommend having your wisdom teeth removed -- even if they are not yet causing [...]

Do All Wisdom Teeth Have to Be Removed?

How To Fix A Gap Between Your Front Teeth

The problem of diastema, or a gap between your teeth, can seem like a purely cosmetic issue. It is true that a gap between your teeth can affect your appearance, and this can play a role in your self-confidence as well as in how others view you. More than that, this orthodontics issue can also [...]

How To Fix A Gap Between Your Front Teeth