Athletes who wear braces are sometimes faced with the problem of damaging their mouth or braces while participating in sports. However, by taking extra precautionary measures, those with braces can compete as well as any other athlete.
How to Protect Your Braces & Teeth
One way to protect your teeth and braces while participating in sports is to wear an orthodontic mouthguard. These mouth guards fit snugly over the teeth and act as a barrier from any objects that may strike the mouth or teeth, such as a ball or an opponent’s hand or elbow.
Orthodontic mouthguards can be purchased at retail athletic apparel stores, and the mouth guards are often made of rubber or silicone. Boil-and-bite mouth guards are also available over-the-counter. These types of guards require the user to boil the mouth guard and then bite down on it, which creates an impression of the teeth so that the guard fits snugly. However, for the most comfortable fit and best protection, you will want a mouth guard custom-fit for your mouth. At Foley Orthodontics, we can create a custom mouthguard for you, no referral needed.
What to Do After an Orthodontics Injury
Always be sure to wear your mouthguard anytime you participate in a sport, regardless of whether the sport requires physical contact. Even sports like tennis or softball may result in a mouth injury. Since many sports injuries are sustained during practice, athletes should also wear their mouthguards during sports practice as well as in competitions.
Any object that strikes the mouth may cause braces to cut or scrape the inside of the mouth. Some athletes may also have their braces knocked loose by a hit to the mouth. In these cases, it is important to contact an orthodontist immediately to check for any damage to the patient’s teeth or mouth. Loose braces must also be re-fastened by an orthodontist.
Have questions about mouthguards and braces? Contact us at 519 672 2699 for more information on how to protect your orthodontic investment.